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Administrator's Corner

Principal Gonyaw scooping ice cream outside at MCS
Shawn Gonyaw

Shawn Gonyaw

Greg Bagnato

Greg Bagnato

Associate Principal

Archived Posts

Welcome to the Administrator's Corner. Shawn Gonyaw, Principal of Marion Cross School, and Greg Bagnato, Student Services Coordinator will post their weekly messages here. The intent is to keep you updated on important topics that are happening at school.

These posts can also be found in the weekly Who's Wise Words newsletter, which we highly encourage you to read. We hope you find all this information helpful, informative and fun.  We encourage you to reach out to us with questions and comments.

Shawn and Greg


Most Recent Post:

Week of October 18 - 22

Good afternoon, 

This week, the Message From the Principal will feature a write-up by Lindsday Putnam about Fall Clean Up Day. Everyone worked hard, especially Lindsday, who worked tirelessly as well! Thanks for your work Lindsay. 

Have a lovely weekend,

This week has been our annual Fall Clean Up Week at MCS. So much work has been accomplished by students - and they have all been overflowing with enthusiasm. It has been so wonderful and fun. We have raked many leaves that we will add to the compost pile over the year to make soil for the garden. We are also adding leaves to the brand new vernal pool which Graham Webster dug for us last night in the meadow! (Well, it is for salamanders and wood frogs, actually, but we will be observing and studying there next spring!) We will use the raked up playground leaves to line the pool. Fifth grade has been testing the soil chemistry in the garden, making recommendations for amendments for the next growing cycle, and adding compost for next year. Several classes have been tackling invasive plants. We have pulled up many hundreds of buckthorn, burning bush, and bittersweet plants that would otherwise take over our woods. We have collected trash, pulled weeds, and made a final harvest of the MCS gardens which we donated to Willing Hands. Several different classes cleaned up the raised bed gardens and other garden spaces around school. Truly your children have made a wonderful effort this week to help out both MCS and others. And we all had fun doing it! 



two students outside standing near a tree

students outdoors picking up brush

students outdoors picking up brush