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Administrator's Corner

Principal Gonyaw scooping ice cream outside at MCS
Shawn Gonyaw

Shawn Gonyaw

Greg Bagnato

Greg Bagnato

Associate Principal

Archived Posts

Welcome to the Administrator's Corner. Shawn Gonyaw, Principal of Marion Cross School, and Greg Bagnato, Student Services Coordinator will post their weekly messages here. The intent is to keep you updated on important topics that are happening at school.

These posts can also be found in the weekly Who's Wise Words newsletter, which we highly encourage you to read. We hope you find all this information helpful, informative and fun.  We encourage you to reach out to us with questions and comments.

Shawn and Greg


Most Recent Post:

Week of February 3 - 7

Message from the Principal

Dear MCS Community,  

What a wild week Mother Nature sent our way!  Even though the days in school were few, much learning still took place at MCS.  This week I decided to focus my classroom visits around math instruction. One of the favorite aspects of my position is being in the places where kids learn...that is what school is all about!  This week my visits brought me on just the perfect sequence. In grades K-4, I observed lessons about basic angles (right, acute, and obtuse), attributes of pattern blocks, repeated addition as it relates to multiplication, line segments, and how to calculate diameter and circumference of a circle.  My last visit on Wednesday was to a 5\6 elective class called Marth where the art of math was revealed! To my delight the group was using their understanding of diameter, circumference, line segments, shapes, and repeated patterns to make amazing pieces of mathematical art! It was exciting to witness the building blocks from previous years instruction.  This type of coordination puts MCS students on the road to becoming mathematical thinkers!  

On another note, I noticed a couple of weeks ago that Mrs. Trombley put out a request for volunteers to help in her first grade classroom.  The response has been amazing! I can’t say enough about how fortunate MCS students are to have a dedicated, supportive, and talented community supporting them as they grow and learn.  Thank you to the many people who support our school in many creative ways. This month I will be lucky enough to be part of interviews for a volunteer coordinator, a shared position in the SAU.  My hope is that the person in this position can help our school to coordinate more opportunities for the community to be a part of MCS.

Enjoy the weekend and all the adventures that two snow days bring, 
